Searching for Inspiration
Breaking News: being creative isn't easy. I know right, how can that be? People think that creative minds are probably just looney individuals that stare at pizza for a split second and create the next best painting out of red hues. Okay, so sometimes it is that easy.
I've been draining my inspiration tank a lot, as of late. Maybe it's the weather changing, maybe it's my busy work schedule, or maybe it's the fact that Netflix was invented and it's on a mission to be the death of me. Whatever the problem might be, I thought a lot about simple things around me and I learned to enjoy them more. My family, my puppy (yes, he's past the puppy age but I will call him a puppy till the end of time), the market that sells fresh flowers down the street, my new set of paint brushes, sweet friend's words of wisdom, and even my snail mail from friends across the globe. I love all these things, and having a great support system is where I should be looking for inspiration. After a weekend of family time (mostly eating) I got this adrenaline rush to fill up my inspiration tank and have been swiping over pastel samples created by Will Burn on Automatic Pastels ( It sounds kind of silly to say that swatches of color have led me to chop chunks off my hair, I'll be adding color tomorrow, and have pushed me to plan out projects for this week, but it has.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't focus on the lack of inspiration but on the great things already around you. It's easier said than done, but if everything else is failing, might as well try. Right?
Good luck.