Taming Wild Flowers
Small spaces can be easily lightened up with fresh flowers, but keeping up with fresh flowers can become pricey.
Some of my hobbies include: eating, breathing, eating some more, Netflix, eating some more, and flower picking. There's all sorts of wild flowers (that some may classify them as 'weeds') that can be used in indoor arrangements, and I decided it was time to share my tips on reaching a lovely nature aesthetic indoors, without all the dangers of the outdoor bugs.
I've learned that the best time to pick flowers is early in the morning because they haven't been out in the heat all day and can stand being cut off their natural habitat.
If you don't have scissors, pulling them out (depending on what kind of flower) from their roots is completely fine. That is what I do with wild flowers, but I use scissors when collection flowers from a garden.
If you use scissors, PLEASE make sure the scissors are clean and sharp. Rust will hurt your flowers, as in YES they do have feelings. No just kidding, but they can get infected, aka they WILL die. Always remember to snip at an angle, to let water in without any air bubbles.
As soon as a flower is either pulled or cut, place them in a bucket with water. The sooner you get them in water, the better it is for them, so I suggest you take a bucket with you (or anything that can hold water) when picking flowers.
Once you get them home, it's really up to you to figure out your own flower aesthetic according to the size of your vase. You can cut off parts of the stem if you need them to be shorter, just remember to always cut at an angle, and cut off unnecessary leaves or unwanted parts of a flower instead of pulling them off.
Warning: your home will probably smell extra good and you will be a very happy camper.
Don't be scared to mix and match different colors, textures, and heights!